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Priceless Prints

I am slowly building up a collection of Virginia Turbett prints, in varying ways, either via buying prints directly from Virginia herself, or by investing in a copy of a Hanging Around photo book featuring her work.

Below are the latest editions…

Vintage hand print of Jim Kerr backstage at the Odeon Theatre, Edinburgh 27/8/1981
Scanned print of Bruce Findlay at after show party post gig at Tiffany’s, Glasgow 19/11/1982

The print of Bruce will be a wondefully prized possession now the man himself has signed it.

And I only have about…ooh, maybe another 100 or so photos of Jim that I want to get. Lol. I have said to Virginia several times, and I am not lying when I say it…if I had the funds, I would buy every single photo of Simple Minds she’s ever taken.

I first saw this print of Jim when I visited Virginia in January. I just knew then that it HAD to be the next one I got. It’s taken a while…but at last! 🙂

*gushing lovesick fangirl moment approaching…look away now* He is beautiful!

If you are interested in buying prints from Virginia (seriously cannot recommend this lady’s work enough!) then visit: virginiaturbett.con

The final part of the set is the new Hanging Around photo book about to be released in the next couple of days of XTC on tour in New York City in 1980. Click on the image of the photo book to be taken to the Hanging Around site for purchasing details. Really looking forward to perusing the book.

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