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Passion, Enthusiasm, Dedication…

I think an artist or band could do worse than have a fan like myself championing them (even if I do say so myself). If only I could get paid for the amount of enthusiasm I can exude?!

Once I took in that Warm Digits’ next gig was in Newcastle only the day after I’m up in Edinburgh for the Rip It Up exhibition…I had to try and sort some kind of “on a shoe string budget” work around to get myself there and see them.


A £12 train journey from Edinburgh to Newcastle the following morning (day of the gig) – the ticket for the gig <£15 – then an overnight coach trip back to London for £10. To see the boys again is worth it. My first trip to Newcastle will be a whirlwind, but worth it I know. Eight hour overnight coach journeys fill me with dread, but I know they are worth it.

See you soon, boys! Much sooner than I anticipated.

As I say…you could do worse than having a fan like me 🙂

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