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One Night In Glasgow – Part Three: Friday (Signing Day)

It was a restless night. Woke up around 3.30am…my first listen to Walk Between Worlds took place during semi-consciousness inside the EasyHotel…

I really wanted a coffee! But my fave drink from Costa is the chai latte…so I had a large one! The mug is SSOO big, it needs “Trump handles”. Lol

Fopp was quick on the ball with the right advertising!

“Is it true you’re running round now is it true they’re calling you the”….

Man! I ssooooo need a coffee TARDIS! Lol

The Duke in the sunlight…

They really do. The city folk are wonderful 🙂

Went into the MoMA and had to take a pic of this Beryl Cook on display. DOUGHNUTS EVERYWHERE! Lol

Another coffee break, and time for an empire biscuit.

Exit through the gift shop at MoMA and get yourself the BEST shirt to wear to Barras next week 🙂

And, finally…look what I scored after it was all done. Having asked for one about 5 different times over these past couple of weeks…a member of staff took the one seen on the previous post out of the shop window and gave it to me! I will be forever grateful. Thank you!

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