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Dublin Extras – Gig 8-9 – Part Four

From the visit to Trinity College and the Book of Kells…

Book of Kells guide leaflet with poem of Pangur Bán inside.

The wording of Pangur Bán reminded me so much of Jim. Esp. the “Hunting words I sit all night” – the anecdote he tells (or has been told of him) of sitting in his parents kitchen at night, with just a lamp as a light source…writing stories when younger, on to writing lyrics when he starts his professional craft. And also “I get wisdom day and night / Turning darkness into light” – which is primarily what he does with his songwriting.

I couldn’t quite believe I was there!

A map of the college…again, it was a real *pinch yourself* moment. Some 30 odd years I have wanted to visit Dublin…and Trinity College was the number one priority for a visit.

An amazing mural on one of the college buildings…

Not sure who this guy is…but he’s obviously important to the college.

Bust-ing out in the Long Room…

The best pic I could get of the beautiful Brian Boru harp.

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