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Gig One – Glasgow

WOW! What a gig to start on!

Where to begin?! The Anchoress! A short set, but beautiful! I made a very loud, audible whoop when she introduced her song, Bury Me. It’s my favourite on the album and I was so hoping she’d do it. I was just happy :-)) Doesn’t Kill You and PS: Fuck You were fabulous too. They all were 🙂

Catherine was signing her album at the end of her set. I went out to see her as I was asked to buy her CD and a shirt for a friend. Sadly I couldn’t do it as I needed to pay by card and their machine wasn’t working. She posed for a selfie with me, and I am SSOO bad at shots! Lol. Still, a lovely memento anyway. And she was just so lovely to me. Thank you, Catherine!

As for Simple Minds?

Wow!!! Cherisse Osei is…AMAZING!!! The power she has…just OMG!!! 

Jim is still just mesmerising as a performer. He really does have us all eating out of the palm of his hand. And that’s no ogling, fawning, sycophancy talk…it’s just FACT. I hardly watched anyone else. (NOT OGLING!) what I mostly watched was Jim, and then the audience…because the interplay was spellbinding. It was like a magician at work…seeing people agasp as he made his assistant disappear. He just has people gripped.

Highlights for me? All the songs performed from NGD…plus Chelsea Girl…it was a goodun tonight! And…despite not warming to it on the album, I LOVE The American live. SPEED YOUR LOVE TO ME! Beautiful! It is just the most beautiful thing. Gordy’s Andy Warhol too! So joyous. I love it! 

The band are so tight. Just wow.

We got Steve Harley again at the end tonight! Two acoustic gigs, two times Steve Harley has performed with SM. it’s such a fabulous ending. I want Steve at every gig now. Lol

Anyway, I better try and sleep. If the weather allows, I still may do Lochwinnoch tomorrow (later today).

Next up, Liverpool on Monday!

PS: These two randy Scots accosted me during the break between sets, and, well…just look what happened! Lol. Thank you George and Gordon…what a lucky girl I am!

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