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So….It’s The Beginning Of The End

Perhaps….subconsciously I could feel it too? In light of what I was saying in my vlog post today? Go out with a bang? Leave them wanting more? Never talk about that bloody “R” word….

But, there we are! Without him actually saying it, Jim just said it on the Billy Sloan show.
I guess it could have been worse, for me personally. I could have just been getting into them as a diehard (ardent, fervent, “megafan”). It’s been over nine years for me with many fabulous memories.

There is a real sense of mourning I am feeling with this news all the same. Someone in the fanbase kept talking about the “end being nigh” and I would never want to listen to their patter. Despite their protestations of not having an “insider” knowledge, they obviously do because these words have know just being given currency by Jim.


“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” It’s never rung truer tonight.

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