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Hamish Hawk (+ Redolent) – Bootleg Social, Blackpool – 25/08/2023

My apologies from the outset as this will be a very short review – well, short for me anyway. I’m mindful of needing to be succinct with my blog posts while the site is going through its transition to a new way of being backed-up and using its storage. 

I’ll be very brief about Redolent, the support act. I got talking to one of the guys from the band. I recognised him as the guy playing the bass for Hamish when he was at George Square back at the beginning of the month. I think he said his name is Rob?

Loooong story short, I was waiting for Hamish to reappear outside the venue (I think he’d rushed off down to the tower for a photo op before the gig) and the guys from Redolent had just returned from having some food (I think). As Rob(?) walked by me I stopped him and said “I recognise you. You were playing bass for Hamish at George Square.” “I was, yeah.” He told me that Redolent is his band. He asked me if I had come all the way down from Glasgow just for the gig and I confirmed that, yes, I had and that I was looking forward to seeing his band as well. That I’d been listening to their music on Spotify. 

After a little bit more of a wait, Hamish finally arrived back. We said a brief hello, had a hug and my word he was already sweaty! Lol. I guess the rush down to the tower and back was more rushed than I even realised.

The Bootleg Social is a wee venue! A tiny stage and there are six members of Redolent (and five in Hamish’s band – he included) – with three keyboards set up. I don’t know how they all fitted on that stage! 

I enjoyed Redolent. I’m not sure how to describe their sound, really: alt-electro, I guess? I have a bit of footage and some photos which I will upload and post separately next week.

As for Hamish? Well, he was just bloody flipping FABULOUS! Started the set just a few minutes after 9pm. Acoustics in the venue were great. 

Was in raptures that Bridget St John was back on the setlist for the show and it was gorgeous. Some of the crowd (myself included) helped out with the backing vocals, which seemed to amuse Hamish somewhat. I don’t think he was expecting it. And then some of the crowd members played up to it.

He also aired another new number called Men Like Wire. Em (my partner, for those new to the blog) filmed some of the numbers and took MANY fabulous photos – many of which I’d love to share but will have to wait a week or two until I have this blog sorted out. In the meantime, I’ll share a selection of the ‘creme de la creme’ of the photos she took. I’ll also share YouTube links of the videos filmed on the night.

After the show I joined the queue for the merch stall. I had zilch money to buy anything but I had got talking to the venue’s event organiser manning the door while I was waiting for Hamish and asked about the poster on the door. He said that I could help myself to it there and then so I went and nabbed it – thank god for clip frames! 

I wanted to just speak to Hamish briefly after the show – to congratulate him on a fab show, let him know how much I really liked hearing Men Like Wire, etc. Suddenly as I was waiting I remembered the poster. Em had put it in her bag for safe-keeping and at the end of the gig I told her to take a seat while I went to the merch stall, forgetting she had the poster in her bag. I asked a lady if she would mind my spot in the queue while I quickly went and got it. At first I thought I’d just speak to him, then go and get and come back and wait til the end. She was happy to mind my spot, which was fab. I got my poster signed. Hamish is a darling! When I asked if he wouldn’t mind personalising it he said “remind me how to spell your name again, Larelle. I don’t want to get it wrong.” I was genuinely humbled that he even bloody remembered my name at all to say it, let alone expect to remember how to spell it! Bless him! 

And so…I have a wonderful souvenir.

Beyond that, Blackpool was fun. I really loved it and I think Em enjoyed it too. It wasn’t all smooth sailing. The journey back home was a bit traumatic and exhausting, but all in all it was a great time away. We took a heritage tram coastal tour down to Fleetwood and back before the gig, had Blackpool’s (reputedly) best fish and chips and the next morning had breakfast at Ziggy’s Cafe Bar (a Bowie themed cafe within the town centre – just around the corner from the Winter Gardens).

I want to return to Blackpool for the Illuminations some time in my life. Perhaps next year. We’ll see. 

Unless there are any surprise gigs or something, my next time seeing Hamish will be at the Barrowland Ballroom on February 10th next year. Tickets are still available but get in quick!

But…there may just be something else before that. HOLD THAT THOUGHT!

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