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Review: Restricted Code (+ The Alleged) – McChuills, Glasgow – 01/07/2023

For a change, the weather did exactly as it was meant to do in Glasgow yesterday. There was quite the mix of sunshine and … not exactly showers but torrential downpours. They were due to settle and clear off by late afternoon. I made it into the city while staying dry and managed to remain dry for the rest of the evening. The same can’t be said for my shoes! The ground was quite wet and, lord knows I need new shoes! The sole of my right trainer has an open crack and despite my best efforts to try and avoid the deeper puddles of water on the streets and footpaths, my shoe and sock absorbed quite the amount of water by the time I got to my destination. My left foot didn’t escape unscathed either. So although the rest of me remained dry, my feet weren’t. Never mind.

This was my first experience of a music gig at McChuills. I had been there a couple of times over the past few years for other events – a book launch and a comedy gig – but I had never seen a music gig there until last night.

They were running late opening the doors for the gig (it’s basically a sectioned off room along the far side of the pub where the gigs take place – accessible through a door). I was growing increasingly tired of being Billy Nomates in the corner of the pub, feeling very exposed being on my own with no drink and no company. It was an uncomfortable feeling which was alleviated some once the doors were finally opened and I was in the room where the gig was taking place.

The support was The Alleged. An old Glaswegian punk band – perhaps they might have even been contemporaries to Johnny And The Self Abusers at one time? I’m unsure. They were really good. They had quite a bit of energy, considering their age. Their singer was quite emotive in his singing style and I loved the pace of their songs and you could really feel that they were enjoying themselves up there. They have some content up on Spotify (other music streaming services are available) – and most of the songs that are on Spotify were performed last night. I’d be more than happy to go and see them play again. 

There wasn’t too long to wait between sets before Restricted Code took to the stage. Their singer, Tom, seemed a little nervous to begin with but settled into it quite quickly. They performed a strong set with nearly all of their material, past and present, getting an airing. They even tried out a few new songs, which went down really well with the appreciative crowd. Highlights for me were a great version of their old classic, From The Top and one of their more recent compositions (and one that Billy Sloan championed on his radio show) I Got Lost, which was the show’s finale. They also performed a lovely cover of Elvis Costello’s Shipbuilding. 

They were great. They had a great rapport with the small crowd and we loved them – much to Tom’s dismay at times. He seemed overwhelmed and humbled by the reaction they were getting. There was a lot of love in the room last night, which was lovely to see. I hope it gives the guys a real boost and keeps them going, playing and creating great music. 

If you get the chance to go and see them play around and about in Glasgow, I recommend you go and see them if the opportunity avails itself.

Next up for me (this Friday) is a highly anticipated first gig experience at the famous King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, seeing the incredible Hamish Hawk. I’m up after midnight for that one! Will be up early the next morning for Newcastle and seeing Warm Digits. I’m too old for this stuff! Lol

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