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The Sign of Seven

Angel Numbers is the title of Hamish Hawk’s current album. The idea behind the title he explains in this interview (view from around the 26.30 mark) below. You can read more about the subject by clicking these links here and here.

In Galashiels on Friday, as I sat outside the MacArts venue on one of the bench seats, something caught my eye as I looked down at the ground. Laying upturned within the gravelled earth was this (pictured below). I couldn’t tell what it was lying on the ground but once I picked it up and realised it was a number seven I decided it was some kind of sign and put it in my purse as a memento of the trip.

It wasn’t until last night was I thinking more deeply about its significance. It could be deemed an ‘angel number’. I used to take note of the time certain things in my life would happen and a lot of the time the clock would be reading 3.50pm on a 12 hour clock face, or 15.50 on a 24 hour clock. My mind would always read it as “ten to four.” So I have had this thing about the time of “ten to four” for a long time. Probably since my later teens or early 20s. Without being aware of it, I’ve been conscious of angel numbers for a long time.

The discovery of the seven was pretty kind of random and unique. To be finding myself in Galashiels on this particular day required the unique circumstance of my being there to see Hamish in the first place. It would have been very unlikely that I’d have gone to Galashiels without the desire to see Hamish perform. Then to be sitting on that bench and happen to look down to the ground by my feet and see the seven only very faintly glinting in the afternoon light and be intrigued enough to pick it up to see exactly what it was, and for it to be a number.

On the band’s social media that afternoon they announced a TRNSMT “aftershow” gig taking place at King Tuts Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow on the evening of 7 July. SEVEN SEVEN – and adding the numbers of the year 2023 together – SEVEN! Thinking about that last night spooked me out!

It’s all Angel Numbers! I hope we’re not doomed by default.

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