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Review: Brooke Combe (+ The Big Day) – QMU, Glasgow – 12/05/2023

I’m in the final stages of getting my assignment ready for uni so I can’t afford much time away from concentrating on that. Having said that, it is imperative to allow some break time and not just have yourself constantly deep in study mode. 

I first heard Brooke Combe thanks to Billy Sloan playing her single Black Is The New Gold for a few weeks on the trot. I checked her out on Spotify, liked what else I heard and decided to buy a ticket to see her perform at the QMU. Such an accessible venue for me. I’m familiar with its location having been to a few record fairs there over the past few years. A few minutes walk from Hillhead subway, weaving your way through Ashton Lane and you’re there. 

I headed into the city with the OH around 4pm. The afternoon promised to be pleasant and sunny. We packed a picnic to eat while enjoying the sun in the Botanic Gardens. A gallus squirrel got a corner of my piece and a wee bit of flapjack and was handfed a couple of bits of lentil chips from the OH.

We made our way to the QMU around 6.30pm. Doors were due to open at 7pm. I’d done a bit of walking at that point and wanted to sit for a bit so didn’t join the queue for open doors. By the time I did join the queue at a few minutes to seven, the line was around fifty people long. Once in the auditorium, I had little chance of getting near the barrier. It was quite full all the way along. I perused the rest of the auditorium. It was my first time at the QMU for a gig and I had not been in the auditorium space. The record fairs are held in another part of the building. There was seating further back towards the back wall, flanking either side of the sound booth. I didn’t want to sit there as it was far too low to have seen anything once the space started to fill and the gig was under way. What I did spot was the potential for a fantastic view by the three short steps that led to the raised back area. On either side of these stepped areas was a little corner space with a hand rail surrounding it. A little alcove for a couple of people to stand comfortably out of the way and have a nice clear view of the stage. I beelined for this spot before it was snapped up. And what a great spot it ended up being!

Wide lens view from my perch

The support act was The Big Day and I really enjoyed their set. They have a really good sound. Kind of alt rock-electro with a nod to 80’s synth pop and 70’s glam. A charismatic and engaging frontman. Accomplished musicians. Really tight. Really good. They only have a couple of songs out at the moment but they have real promise. I’ll be keeping my eye out for them. They’re definitely one to watch and I’d happily go and see them again in the future. Any band who is using a sample of some of David Bowie’s spoken wisdom are pretty bloody good in my book!

A very tight set change saw Brooke on stage promptly at 8.30pm. I wasn’t taking notes as to her setlist and I missed out on grabbing a copy so I’m sketchy on the order of the set but I think she opened with the song Miss Me Now. She performed all the tracks from her album, which has the same title as her most recent single, Black Is The New Gold.

Her voice is fabulous! Effortless and soulful. Fantastic stage presence and a great rapport with the crowd. She likes the patter! Her set was over in an hour but it was all killer and no filler. Great soulful rock tunes, ballads as well, letting her vocal prowess shine through. This woman really is on the ascent. The crowd went nuts for the final song, Are You With Me? It’s a great track and is my fave as well. I kept waiting for her to start it through the whole set, but she was saving the best of an already high standard until last.

I knew I had plenty of time to get myself back home, so decided to stay around afterwards and grab something from the merch stand and perhaps get the opportunity to have Brooke sign it. A long queue at the merch stand, then just as a long a queue for a chance to pose for a snap and have Brooke sign my poster. Well worth it. She’s genuinely appreciative of her fans. A lovely, chatty and humbled woman. She has all the makings of being absolutely huge. As Jim would describe someone of her ilk – she’s the “real deal.” I will definitely be going to future gigs. 

Back at Hillhead station, I had high hopes for getting back to Queen Street and making the 10.33pm train home. I made it! But my phone decided to throw a wobbly on me right at the most inopportune time. Couldn’t get my ticket to load. Got logged out of the Scotrail app. Couldn’t remember my password to log back in! Had minutes to try and sort it. Couldn’t make it happen. Missed the train! Had to buy a paper ticket and wait for the 11.03pm train. Bugger! Never mind. It was the only dampener on an otherwise splendid night.

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