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Call Me Pedantic, But… (Record Collector Review)

Two reviews in as many days and both of them with erroneous information. The first from Goldmine who stated that SM “changed managers” after bringing out Life In A Day. Really? News to me, Goldmine!

Now this from Record Collector. A great review otherwise, but let down by the notion that one) Act Of Love and The Walls Came Down have “…two of the most infectious synth-pop grooves they’ve written since the 80s” in them. Okay…perhaps the “synth-pop groove” on Act Of Love is new, though I’m sure Mick would have written something for it back then, but I could be wrong – I’ll concede that. But…would SM have written the “synth-pop groove” for The Walls Came Down, seeing as they didn’t actually write the song???? Hmmm

I wish my pedantry would allow me to have my turn! If nothing else, they could be assured of my attention to detail.

Buuuuut…it’s never going to happen because no one takes this blog seriously and I am my own worst enemy when it comes to that. Bugger!

Oh, well. RC review below…

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