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Collectable Clatter

I can’t remember sharing this at the time, I think I was keeping it all hush hush until it appeared in the Classic Pop magazine, and by then I probably was more excited about featuring in the magazine to think of showing the collection off with more clarity.

These photos were taken two years ago and the collection has grown further since then. Mostly from visual stuff – more photos and magazines, fanzines, photobooks, etc, etc.

There has been a bit more added to the music collection but the past year or so, it’s been bootlegs that have piqued my lugholes most. The quality of bootlegs being as they are, I don’t feel the need to add physical copies of bootlegs to the collection.

Oh, some t-shirts added too! Lol. It grows and grows. Looking forward to it growing even more in October.

A cassette! Lol. Can’t believe I’m looking forward to having a cassette!

This display remains unchanged.
This display has altered a bit – added to down the left and right sides.
Additions to this as well. Some more shirts. More posters, etc.
More mags now. More tickets stubs.
Not much more added to this, but soon to change! Would love to have that Sister Feelings Call signed. I bought that in Oz – it’s a stamped Ltd Ed.
More added to that. Esp. books!
More shirts. A number of them no longer fit as I am back to being an even fatter fucker than normal. Hay ho!
Kerr ogle pics – part one!
Kerr ogle WALL (with imposter MacNeil top right). My daily distraction when I am studying!
The poster below is now framed and adorns this wall with some of these. The centre ones moved to join the lot in the second photo above. A collection of my own work, a rogue Ronnie Gurr photo, a stylised Janette Beckman on the left and a Sheila Rock on the right – with my crappy poetry featuring.
Said poster – now framed. Had to have this when it was being sold on eBay. It’s one of their earliest promo photos.
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