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Billy’s Smug Mate

Well, well, well…look what we have here! This week on Billy Sloan’s Show on BBC Radio Scotland, SOMEONE is going to be Billy’s guest. A day after I conduct my interview for this wee blog. (No! I’m not interviewing Jim! In my goddamn dreams. But the person I AM interviewing is relevant to the content of this site…very much so. My lips are otherwise sealed.)

Now…how the fuck am I meant to concentrate on MY interview on Friday with knowledge of THIS now? Come on! Talk about test a woman. Jeez-o!

Look at him! Smug as you like! And I don’t mean Billy! ???

It seems things are warming up quite nicely at SMHQ. GOOD! We could do with some cheer at long bloody last!

Not much else for me to say but…tune in to BBC Radio Scotland on Saturday night from 10pm GMT.

I’ll be there!

Photo courtesy of Billy Sloan Show FB page.

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