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Minds Music Monday – TMWSTW – Birthdays and Anniversaries

For this week’s Minds Music Monday, I thought I would combine some things. Firstly, it is Charlie Burchill’s birthday at the end of this week. Happy birthday, Charlie!

Also, just a week or so ago, we saw the re-release of the Man Who Sold The world – or as it was originally MEANT to be called, Metrobolist. The re-release was to mark its 50th anniversary of release in the USA (Yes! The album was strangely released in the USA first, several months before it was released in the UK).

So, in light of this double – Charlie’s birthday, and the recent release of the 50th anniversary issue of Metrobolist, let’s have Simple Minds covering The Man Who Sold The World – and Charlie’s stellar guitar work, emulating his hero Mick Ronson. Sounding rather braw in the process he is too!

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