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In Other News – In Memory Of My Feelings – New Catherine Anne Davies/Bernard Butler Album

Now that we’ve gotten that crap “sycophancy Nancy” stuff out the way – drooling over 1982 Kerr aesthetic yet again! On with some proper business and serious music news.

Bernard Butler and Catherine Anne Davies have collaborated on an album together called “In Memory Of My Feelings”. It had been in the bag for some time and feared destined to languish and remain unreleased, but at last it is due to see the light of day.

The lead single from the album is called The Breakdown – rather fitting under current personal circumstances!

Further talk about the album’s imminent release can be seen on Catherine’s social media pages (as Catherine Anne Davie or under the moniker of The Anchoress).

This is not the follow up to The Anchoress’s debut album, Confessions Of A Romance Novelist. The follow up to that is set for release any day now – also some time in the bag and in the hands of the record label.

NME have a piece on In Memory Of My Feelings that you can read HERE.

The album is set for release on September 18th and is available to pre-order in various formats and bundles here – (I have already pre-order the vinyl signed version.)

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