Site icon Priptona's Simple Minds Space

“Keep Your Heid” – Regaining Perspective – And Trying To Keep Emotions In Check…An Explanation

After having recorded over 2 and a half hours of video to try to explain where my head and heart was at – after a time of reflection and a dream – and a talk and correspondence with some wonderful folk came this.

I recorded it late last night. I didn’t want to post it on YouTube because, even unlisted, if someone has a link, they could share it elsewhere. Well, they could share a blog post link elsewhere too. But I get to see through pingbacks where they go and can withdraw my consent of a post being linked somewhere else. Can’t do that with a YouTube clip!

My attempts to upload it directly to the blog – even splitting in half and trying to upload in two parts failed. So, YT it was….goddamnit!

Anyway, here goes confession time!


Learning To Take A "Chill Pill" - Countering Over-Importance

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