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The Little Drummer Girl In Lockdown

The kit is fab! I contacted Cherisse a few days back to see about having a lesson. She got back to me on Wednesday afternoon saying she had had a late cancellation for the following day (yesterday) if I wanted it.

HELL YES! was my reply. The lesson was, as always, great. She fills me with so much confidence and makes me believe that I can actually do it. All it takes is – practice, practice, practice. Even if for just 30 mins every other day, as long as it’s consistent with a structure to it, then…it’ll come.

She reminded me yesterday that I couldn’t even do the basic 4/4 repertoire when I first started, so I HAVE progressed even though I fell I haven’t progressed that much. I have!

The girl is good! I love her to bits! Thanks, Cherisse! Looking forward to the next one.

There is the odd plus side to lockdown…

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