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Jim Kerr – Da For Hire!

Muriel Gray interviews Jim “let me be your daddy” Kerr – the end to this interview shouldn’t have piqued my interest quite as much as it did….but what can I say. Gawd!

The stutter is still there quite pronounced. I just want to lick him!!!! OMG!


I knew of him back then! I did NOT fancy him ONE JOT back then. Not in the frigging slightest. NOW LOOK AT ME! Lol

Anyone know a good psychiatrist? Lol.  I obviously need one.

You know who I was into then? Massively. Steve Waugh. Like…I watched hours and HOURS of cricket. HOURS! Luckily he was an all-rounder in the early days so it doubled my chance of seeing him.
Oh, but that’s another story…and a lifetime ago.

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