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New Date For The Anchoress – Still Can’t Go!

UPDATE: I’ve pulled a rabbit out of the hat in the past 24 hours. Booked a ticket for the gig. Cancelled the Manchester accommodation the night before the Drum Show and booked the train to take me to Manchester on Saturday morning…and staying the night in a hostel near Euston station instead.

So, The Anchoress in London IS ON!!

The Anchoress has added a new date to her album launch shows.

London on September 20th has been added. The day before her Cardiff date.

I can’t go to Cardiff because it’s the day of the Drum Show in Manchester. And because it starts early, I decided it would be best to travel to Manchester the day before.

So now…that rules out London as well! Yay ??????
It would have been so bloody handy to get to as well. Fuck it!

Well…I can only hope for other dates. Never mind. It is what it is, eh…

You can get tickets for the show HERE

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