Site icon Priptona's Simple Minds Space

New (Gold) Icon

I’ve done two previous posts I have labelled “icon”. One highlighting a piece of art I did incorporating Sir, and the other, once trying to capture this moment.

I love the way the sunlight filters through the break in the curtains and shines upon the pic. And to think I told this man he isn’t a messiah! (Sorry, Jim! I was an evil cow for saying that 🙁 Love you ??)

Anyway…I couldn’t title the post “icon” AGAIN…hence the new title.

The first time I made an “icon” titled post, I was trying to capture the point that the sunlight through the break in the curtains reached the centre of the NME cover of Jim and lit up his face “icon style”. You can see from the previous post, I didn’t do that well. It never worked that well. But this morning, the sun was shining and I had my new phone to hand…and well…I took a few snaps and I like the contrast I caught between the first one (which failed in its objective) and the subsequent ones – playing with light levels on the phone’s camera settings. I’m sharing three of these as I like all three and couldn’t decide which one to post. (I posted one version on my FB timeline, another on the SMO visitor wall.)

I just find it a beautiful thing. Gonna have to hope I get a south-east facing bedroom in the new house to have any chance to replicate this. We’ll see…

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