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Kerr Down Under – In NewKERRstle


Oh, holy fucking shitflaps, he’s bringing up 2020 as the full itenirary tour year for Oz, again! I should have pulled out all the stops to go! I NEARLY did! I nearly booked a flight that would have had me out there by now. I was at the Etihad website, I was at the last page, cursor hovering over that “pay now” box…but, something told me not to. “No fall back” if the money doesn’t come in by January. It’s like permanently being on the crest of a wave…just waiting and waiting for the fucker to crash, but it just rolls and rolls and rolls, never crashing to the shore. WHERE’S MY SHORELINE SPUME, GODDAMNIT!?!

I wanted to “seize the moment” – not wait until the next tour. Because…life is full of uncertainty. Why wait for the next one, when I could have NOW!? Albeit it was just one gig, and not in Sydney? It was Australian shores, near enough to Sydney for me (still within my home state) and (most importantly) happening NOW…not in two years time.

The time has elapsed now. The opportunity (what small window of opportunity there was) gone.

Que sera sera…

Oh, yeah…here’s the article from local Newcastle paper, The Herald – click here to read

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