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Why Want A Book When You Have FACEBook?!

Time and again fans ask “when’s your book coming out, Jim?”

Now, for one…I would have thought if he was under a publisher’s contract for a book, it would be nigh on impossible for him to post some of the things he does on FB…contractual obligations, so on and so forth. I don’t know this stuff for certain…but I’m assuming it to be so.

Secondly…why? Why are people crying for a book? Look how he writes for us on an almost daily basis…FOR DIDDLY SQUAT! Are you people INSANE?!

He shares so much already…do you REALLY need a book on top? I’m not saying I wouldn’t be interested in a book from Jim. Far from it! But I’m not going to badger him about it when he posts Facebook entries LIKE THIS! (See end of post.)

And while being in New York makes him think of Lennon, and his mum…the talk of The Beatles always makes me think of my brother, David. In a couple of weeks, he’ll have been gone four years…and, it never gets any easier. In fact, with the passage of time (and how long it had been since the last time I had seen him before he died…and his pleas with me not to travel back home just…to witness him dying) – it gets harder. The void he has left gets bigger.

The people in our lives give us such gifts…free gifts. David with my love for The Beatles. Jim with his posts to Facebook.

Who needs a book, when you have FACEBook?!

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