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Mars By 1980 – David Stubbs

Another book I am about to download onto my Kindle. I must have about 200 unread books on there now. As slow a reader as I am, I used to read regularly. At least 10/12 books a year. That’s not a lot for you speedy reading types, but that was a good pace for me…and MUCH better than current stats, which will be lucky if they equate to just a solitary book per year. Shameful! I need to change that!

Anyway, this extract was in last month’s Electronic Sound magazine. The book is written by one of the magazine’s contributors. Below is the extract from within the magazine, about the lasting legacy of Kraftwerk.

As a side note, Kometenmelodie 2 is now my absolute new fave piece of instrumental music. It never fails to make a massive emotional impact on me. It brings me to tears with its beauty. Electronic music emotionaless and devoid of anything visceral?! Utter fucking hogwash!

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