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Gig Review – NME, October 14th, 1978 – The Future Is kerr And Burchill

Wow…Ian Cranna hit the nail on the head, or what?! Will you look at that! And, some  near 40 years on…they are the mainstays. It is an amazing review, really. Very constructive. Not sycophantic. He did highlight shortcomings…but, wow!

Oh, to have been there at that time. Just so absolutely fucking exciting. I wish, I wish, I wish! But…I wasn’t even 8 years old (not for another two weeks after the review was published), and living on the other side of the world. You can’t turn back time. But I can love them in the here and now. And I do!

Still doesn’t stop me wishing for a TARDIS ride, or 17…

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