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But Where Would I Hang It?

Somebody is selling these on eBay (the banners…not the people in the pic…though I am open to offers!) …the band banner is being modelled by Yours Truly and Mr Dave Kramer, esq. just to give a sense of scale, I’m 5′ 4″, Dave is…a tall bugger! Lol. And Jim crouching must be at least 8 feet. Where the HELL would anyone put it? I mean…it would be faaaaab but….

Billy Sloan…if you ever look at my blog…this could be one for the SM “vault”. A bit of history.

I’m tempted, I have to say. Certainly would be a talking point…if I could actually hang it. Maybe I’d just lay it out on the lawn in the summer? Lol

Imagine it being viewable from the planes taking off and landing at the airport. Lol

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