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The Funtime Countdown! All Aboard!

It’s just THREE DAYS away now. Oh…and he would HAVE to bring up Iggy, then drop in a mention of cockfighting and I was just SSSOOO itching to say something! Lol. But…well, I resisted. At least I’d never say it on SMO! Here on the blog is a different matter!

I mean, seriously…Jim Kerr mentions Iggy Pop AND cockfighting and I’m like “I know who MY money’s on”! Lol. And THAT is all I’ll say.

I will exercise full restraint and try to uphold some decorum…pffft! *fails epically*

It’s a great post. And mentions quite a few sports I love, actually. Cricket, darts, basketball…no mention of strongmen (though Sumo wrestling is mentioned) or snooker, but hey, whatevers.

The mention of speedway brought back memories of childhood and free fireworks displays from the back porch, as we lived very near a speedway while I was growing up and they always had big fireworks displays when races were on.

Halcyon days.

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