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Clegg Kerr

Oh, I HATE doing this stuff…but I like sharing shots I’ve never seen before. And I wish I had the money to pay for the use of all these. Paying for the upkeep of the blog each year is enough. I keep contemplating monitising it, but I abhor the thought. I don’t want ads all over my site! No thank you. Whoever clicks on those ads anyway?
To pay for personal web use for a few years on a photo isn’t too bad…but multipy it by the number of photos I actually have on my blog, and yes, it would rack up into thousands of pounds every few years. I just don’t have the funds. So I do what I can to promote.

The photographer is Simon Clegg, and it will be the only photo of his you’ll see here. It’s relavent to the site (my site – this photo). That’s it. I don’t want to nick a whole bunch of his photos.

I came by this photo of his at – if you go to the site, you can register as a buyer and get information on photos and can get in contact with the photographer through the site to discuss buying prints/use. I will no doubt do the right thing and ask about pricing to display on my site digitally. Here goes going broke.

If nothing else, it’ll give me the opportunity of asking him more information about it. Where and when the shot was taken. I could hazard a guess around time…circa 1980/81, and quite possibly in Glasgow or Edinburgh. Clegg seemed to based in Scotland for a period…either having gone over from Australia, or had subsequently moved to Oz where he is currently based.

Anyway, I want to do the right thing.

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