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WTF! Brian’s Briefs!

How have I never actually taken this in before?! I’ve been seeing this cover since I started collecting SM memorabilia from the earliest days of my mega fandom. It’s – I am for all the world sure ERRONEOUSLY – stated as being a pic of Mick (surname spelled incorrectly)…but I am pretty sure that’s Brian. Photo taken by…Ronnie Gurr! Labelled as “Simple Minds in Berlin” – another bit I never took in. I knew there was a piece on them inside…but because it’s 1980, I just assumed it would be like a half page thing with one small pic.

Brian is all but STARKERS on the cover! Fucking…I’m gonna DIE if there’s anything REMOTELY similar of Jim inside! Lol.

For nearly FOUR YEARS I have bypassed getting this particular mag, having others take precedent…and now…THIS IS THE NEXT MUST HAVE!

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