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The Sherbet Straws Slam!

I’m not sure I can put it all into words. I’ve had about 4 hours sleep and feel absolutely ratted!

It was a whirlwind visit. Glasgow was wonderfully sunny for both days…but freezing. Had an amazing hot chocolate with the HUGEST marshmallow on top and the most BLISSFUL banoffee doughnut from Tantrum…OMG!

A lovely visit to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the afternoon. A wonderful meal at the Flying Duck in the evening. Yum!

But…on we go to the day…

I really did not think I threw the bag of sherbet straws down quite like that, but…well…it made for a funny clip. Geez I’m an idiot! Lol

I’m sure I’ll have more to say about this tomorrow, but at the moment my brain is just fried and so I will share the pics just now.

Jim and Charlie very kindly signed one of my Virginia Turbett prints. I was so, so happy! Made my day! All of the whole experience did 🙂 The best day, ever!

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