Happy Birthday Mr Burchill!
Happy Birthday, Charlie! See you in February, you wizard!
Happy Birthday, Charlie! See you in February, you wizard!
Roll on February 13th!
In amongst all the crazy excitement of yesterday, trying to secure tickets…and other things…this arrived in the post. The amazing Virginia Turbett had signed my Sex Pistols “Out To Lunch” photo book for me. A real treasure now! Thank you so much, Virginia x
Bloody love this. The size of Jim’s bird! Lol Simple Minds – All the things she said!#simpleminds #allthethingsshesaid #letmeseeyourhands #lego #legosimpleminds #sosimpleminded pic.twitter.com/eiy3emniwV — LegoWatterloony (@LegoWatterloony) November 22, 2017
Got all three venues booked! London Roundhouse Manchester Albert Hall AND THE MIGHTY MIGHTY BARROWLAND BALLROOM!!!! Get in!!!!!!
Yep…it’s been that kind of week. A single focus… https://twitter.com/priptonaweird/status/933032317072891904
This. Stuff like this. I never thought I could EVER create something that would ever bring out such emotions in somebody. Art moves me like this. Makes me laugh, cry…all kinds of emotions…it rarely makes me feel indifferent…and even when it does, well, it has still stirred and evoked something within me. My Rainbow Angel…
There are some obvious VERY UNHAPPY fans out there…and I’m trying to work out why… A) This notion you needed to make a purchase to get a code for pre-sale tickets. NO YOU DIDN’T. I preordered because I WANTED TO! The album already just visually looks STUNNING…I can see all kinds of influences in the…
All the info you need is at simpleminds.com and all various social media…esp. Simple Minds Official Facebook page. I have my super deluxe bundle pre-ordered, I have my presale codes, and I am sssooo ready to try for tickets for Glasgow, London and Manchester. Absolutely ABUZZ! HURRY UP FEBRUARY! Christmas? Shmistmas! Lol. Christmas has been…
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