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Fingers Are Tapping…

As the first week of October has just left us…it is now increasingly unlikely that there is going to be a November release of the new Simple Minds album. Considering how long in the making it has been…and how long Caroline International have had it in their hands, I’m actually shocked! It seemed the most obvious choice for me. Big Music got a late October/early November release (depending on where in the world you were…some got it Oct 31st, others got it November 3rd). Acoustic also had a November release date. And with the formation of the band being given as November, 1977, it stood to reason to release the album then.

Okay, we ARE only in the second week of October and it still just about leaves room for a LATE November release. But news of the previous two albums started trickling through in September. August in Big Music’s case.

So, it is now increasingly looking more like a January, 2018 release…putting it more inline with 40 years of live Simple Minds. But, no tour details, as yet. That is looking increasingly like a summer/autumn tour. Jim, in a post to SMO FB after the end of the Acoustic Tour said there would be festivals for Simple Minds next summer. Is that how next year’s tour season is going to go? A SM early spring tour is looking unlikely.

So, this is the new scenario: A January release date for album number 18? (19? – I never know which we’re meant to be at.) And then a summer festival tour, followed by a autumn arena tour?

Ooh…we have a long old wait on our hands! A blessing in disguise for us skint to buggery types, still paying off their debt for the previous tour…but an agonising wait nonetheless.

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