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A Kerr Tartan Heart – In Medium

The Simple Minds Shop was having a sale…and of course, I got roped in to having a look. Lots of Acoustic Tour merch marked down…but I had been eyeing off a baseball style SM shirt with the “Glasgow ’77” wording and Kerr tartan heart/claddagh logo for a while now. Some lines were “never to be restocked” they said, so…there was ONE baseball shirt left…in medium. I HAD to snap it up in the vain hope it would fit.

It’s tight! But…it kinda fits (fun to get over the old “chesticles” – all the weight I have lost and my tits have hardly shrunk – fuck it!). I’m determined to get it to fit more comfortably. Another piece to add to the ” weight loss goals” part of the wardrobe. Hopefully won’t be long before I can wear it with pride.

God KNOWS what I have spent at this shop in the past three years…

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