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Bristol Extras – Gig Five

Tried to take pics of the whole band – with varying degrees of success. Definitely need a newer, better camera!

This one of Charlie turned out quite good. I was happy with this one.

Not as good. Blurry, and Charlie looks a bit grumpy (trust me to get the ever-smiling CB looking grumpy AF. Lol)

Tried with Cherisse and snapped part of Sir’s tummy instead. Lol (Sorry, Sir!)

My attempt to snap Sir is the epitome of how I feel being near him – blurry, out of focus, in a haze! Lol. (I can’t apologise enough, lovely man.) I shouldn’t even share it, really. But, hey, might as well continue to show how crap I can be artistically (and not just artistically…in general).

Not a bad one of Ged. Let down by composition and “obstacles”…


One day I may succeed in getting a fab picture of Gordy.

Sorry Sarah. Snapped at just the wrong nano second :-/

Maybe this mounted police officer I saw in Bristol the following day as I made my way back home should have arrested me for crimes against photography. Lol

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