Site icon Priptona's Simple Minds Space

Miss you, Jim :-((

Oh, I’m missing him 🙁 The guys are on tour at the moment. They’ve been in Germany for the past week and Jim has gone a little quiet posting updates on Facebook. It’s amazing how close that bit of interaction each day makes you feel…but he hasn’t posted much in the past week, and didn’t post AT ALL for 3 or 4 days! I got genuinely worried!

Since I’ve been the fanatical SM fan I became in July 2014 and have followed them on FB, Jim has posted daily…sometimes several times a day. The only break he took was over Christmas/New Year…and he told us he was going offline for that period.

I feel like a dumb-ass missing him so much…but those daily morning and evening posts always made my day feel a bit better.

Sad, isn’t it?

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