Lyric Of The Day – Walk Between Worlds
HELL YES! This is why I didn’t post Barrowland Star to the SMO wall! LOOK AT THAT!
HELL YES! This is why I didn’t post Barrowland Star to the SMO wall! LOOK AT THAT!
Geez I love being able to use my own photos! Still wish I could have taken my pro cam to just ONE gig though
AT LAST! A COMPLETE PRIPTONA ORIGINAL! My own photo (taken at Manchester) and digital work. Usually I am having to source a photo or take a screengrab from a video or interview, but this one is ALL MINE!
Obligatory when a new track drops…
The spark of something new always gets us arty types going and all abuzz. Myself and Stuart Holland have both made designs for Magic. Here we are… I still may have some of the lyrics wrong…who knows? Ah….if only I could be sure…
“Didn’t want to be your Simple Minds”….Wasteland (Kinda how the fandom is feeling, waiting for news…)
I wish I could still share them on the wall. To just hope he’d like one last one. I keep telling myself that *I* love doing them…and that’s all that matters… Ah, but it was a thrill when he liked one…or better still, SHARED one. I never thought my heart was going to beat at…