The Golden Bhoy
Playing about with a screengrab from the Glittering Prize video. Those lips though…
Playing about with a screengrab from the Glittering Prize video. Those lips though…
I love this picture of him ssooo much. I love his baby, cherubic face. He manages to look both sweet AND devilish at the same time 😉 I would devour him – if I could – if I was brave and bolshy enough. Holy fucking fucknuts he’s beautiful!! Photo: David Corio
Oh, he is just ASKING for it – and imma gonna give it to him! (I wish!) I had a lovely dream about him this morning and he was not in a dissimilar position as he is here 😉 He had two of us ladies to deal with…and he was loving it (as were we!)….
My beautiful, awesome husband from last night. *melting heart* ????????????????????????????????
Working on more Dortmund ‘84 gifs. Oh, I adore him so…
Now – I know the line he’s singing is “I love to feel the free world turn tonight” but for all the love in the world it looks like when he says “to”, he actually says “you”. I slowed the second clip down as further evidence 😉 “I love you”! That is what he’s saying (even though I…
Nice, clean footage to work with here. And, oh, the gifs made from it! The bottom one!! Woof!! More on that shortly… *dies*
(via priptona-weird) I’m not the best at lip-reading, but I’m pretty sure he says “I’m just trying to keep warm (think the last word might be ‘alright’? – or ‘here’…with an extra long burrrr)” – does that mean he brought that lady behind him along WITH him? Lol. Jim Kerr has his own stone ball fire-tossing lady!…