Mr Miami Is *MY* “Vice”
Helloooooooo, Sir! (There’s a bit of left ear action as well….CATERING FOR THE FETISH! GOOD BOY!!! GRRRRRR)
Helloooooooo, Sir! (There’s a bit of left ear action as well….CATERING FOR THE FETISH! GOOD BOY!!! GRRRRRR)
Looking up Kerr tartans….came across this… Oh, Mr Earl of Surrey, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!
Time for some bare chest/nipple action. Ooh, he’s got his arm strategically placed here. Damn you, Jim Kerr! Being topless yet hiding your nipples! You’re not playing fair! Lol
Been saving this one up for a rainy day. One my friend C’ Moon sent me via Facebook. Thank you! Jim Kerr, circa 1991 – freshly showered – shaving in front of a mirror – polishing his boots – and showing off his Dutch football kit – BUT IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CHEST (and flash…
And I leave you with what is still, quite possibly, the finest Jim in boots photo ever. From the bottom of my heart, Virginia Turbett, I applaud you!
Jimboots 😉
Glowing in orange light… BOOTS!
Guyliner: check Tamborine: check Boots: check 😉
Derek: The boots arenae that good! I very much beg to differ “Big Dan”! Lol
No more words. Just enjoy the man and his boots :-))