When My ‘Sole Obsession’ Was On Fire…
Nostalgia strikes during a day of blog maintenance. Jim Kerr from 1982 as a set of gifs made my day a little brighter. Click to view the full post and all 12 gifs…
Nostalgia strikes during a day of blog maintenance. Jim Kerr from 1982 as a set of gifs made my day a little brighter. Click to view the full post and all 12 gifs…
What’s happening to me? I’ve just come to a complete ceasing of wanting to write/type at the moment. I *want* to write – but I feel like I have such an excess to get off my chest that it just feels easier, and more fun in some ways, to just do a vlog. I like…
Read full post “Better Late Than Never – Happy 40th New Gold Dream!” »
Jim revealing that he washes just like every other man in the entire world – oxters, sack, crack. That’s it. 60 seconds. Done! Lol
Don’t have too much fun without me, Sir ?
I think, singularly, this may be the BEST move he’s ever made. I *had* to slow it down and make a gif of it. It was just screaming out the first time I saw it. I dare say it won’t be the last gif from this clip I’ll be making. It’s been a long, loooong…
And so, it could mean only ONE THING! LARK ABOUT TIME! Lol It’s a crude gif compared to my past efforts…but it took a HECK OF A LOT of prep! Enjoy! And season’s greetings
I never fancied him – but I always admired the aesthetic. If this “pretty thing” went to hell, it must be a damn fine place to be!
Was watching the Rockpalast gig from Cologne, 1982, earlier. Celebrate came on and I was already thinking “here we go!”…then the lovely thigh-rubbing action I had forgotten about happened. Grrr! Haven’t made a gif for a long while, but I had to make this clip of Jim in full sweaty, thigh-rubbing glory. Nom nom nom!!!
Lol. Time on my hands. Haven’t made a gif in I dunno HOW long! I loved those Ivors interviews. Sir was on top form, messing about. So, here he is “busting a move”, giving all us fans what we crave(!). It’s never too late for a “Jim Kerr Dance Academy” lesson! Lol I’d call this…
Don’t You (Forget About Gifs) Twirl is at actual speed and then slowed down…