Boys From Brazil – 2017 Setlist Inclusion Campaign!
This is where the campaign begins!!
This is where the campaign begins!!
Something a little different this week for MMM. The new Empires That Dance single of their cover of Boys From Brazil. And awesome track, and fabulous video featuring Brian McGee and Gordy Goudie. The EP is out now and available via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Spotify.
I’ll just keep posting it here, then! I was sssooo proud of this one. I thought it looked so beautiful. I *really* wanted him to like this one. I know he misses ones from time to time…but I was really hoping this one would stand out! Just a like. Not for him to really…
It’s a redux…but WHAT A REDUX! (Even if I do say so myself!) Lyric of the day Song: Boys From Brazil Album: Sons And Fascination Year of release: 1981 Words: Jim Kerr
Lyric of the day Song: Boys From Brazil Album: Sons And Fascination Year of release: 1981 Words: Jim Kerr Why I love…Boys From Brazil. I’ve talk about my love for Boys From Brazil in passing several times now. On the Simple Minds FB page too, telling Jim how much I would love to meet Brian McGee and thank him…KISS HIM…for those amazing drums. Yes, Jim says Mel Gaynor is the best drummer in…
Last song before bed – BUT WHAT A SONG!!! :-)) #SimpleMinds
Time for song six on the old “Dream Setlist”. This is quite possibly my favourite Simple Minds song…if not in my definite Top 5. If I could only have ONE SONG to be played live…it would be this! They never even did it on the 5×5 tour in 2012. OUTRAGUOUS!! I bloody love this song….