Love This Shot of Jim
Wow! Love this shot of Jim
May contain a heavy dose of Jim Kerr
Wow! Love this shot of Jim
Those eyes. That eye-liner. Yes, please
Fantastic tunes. All seven are first class. (Click article link) 7 Of The Best: Simple Minds | Features | Clash Magazine
Mr Cool! Jim Kerr wearing REPLAY.
Jim Kerr – I love it when he smiles. He’s so gorgeous! *sigh*
SIMPLE MINDS Early Years – Jim and Derek in more cohesive times.
Leather-clad Jim Kerr. Real Life years, 1991 (let’s hope it’s actually PU)
Why so shocked, Jim?
Simple Minds (Jim Kerr) at HMV Glasgow – circa 1987
Jim Kerr in true “zoned out” “dad dancing” mode. Love it