Site icon Priptona's Simple Minds Space

Well, This Seems To Be Saying Something!

I had a notification on Facebook earlier about the SM page adding a photo, but I couldn’t see what had changed as it kept taking me to the most recent post on their page when I’d click the notification – but there was nothing added to the post. I thought nothing else of it until just now. I went to check something and then noticed the profile picture had been changed to this….

Jim and Charlie…alone. Just the two of them. No “band” photo. Previously, we had these two…

Very much band photos. And prior to these, almost all the SM FB profile pics have either been band logo artworks or album covers – even one photo on Jim on his own was album sleeve art and used MANY years ago.

So, are we cementing the notion that, yes, Simple Minds is just Jim and Charlie and everyone else is disposable? Know your place, everyone! We hire you and we can fire you! (I say “we”.)

Oh, I have so much to say about this but what’s the point? I guess really, nothing has changed since 1991. This really is how it has been for 32 years. I guess it seemed as though the Facebook presentation of the band gave SOME air of unity with either full band photos or logos. No photos used as profile pics that were just Jim and Charlie. Until now.

I can’t help but feel a little shocked by it all the same. Shocked, but not surprised.

I shall leave you with that observation and discuss it no more.

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