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A Reminder – Solstice Kiss 12″ Vinyl Out Tomorrow – Among Other Things!

Just a quick reminder that the yellow and black spatter coloured 12″ vinyl release of the Solstice Kiss single is officially out in the record shops tomorrow. I pre-ordered mine some time back so will most likely not see it until Monday (as I won’t be here for its delivery if it arrives either tomorrow or Saturday). That also applies for The Anchoress’s release of her album, Versions, which also is officially out tomorrow – though I don’t think you will see many in the shops. At least not the vinyl version anyway as it had a very limited run and is almost completely sold out. It is due to my travelling down to London tomorrow to see Catherine perform at the Union Chapel in Islington that I won’t be here.

Saturday is also the official recommencement of uni – so, yeah. I have a convergence of several things going on over the next couple of days. Not to mention Billy Sloan’s book and his appearances at the Waterstones in Argyle Street tonight and the Barras on Sunday afternoon.

Who knew October could be so busy?

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