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Newcastle Mid-Week City Break

Apologies for the relative silence. That will mostly continue for the next three weeks until the academic year is finished. Before knuckling down in these final three weeks – we took a small break away. A two night stay in Newcastle.

Caught up with my friend, Sue, when we arrived then spent some time down at the Quayside later in the afternoon. We crossed the Tyne Bridge. All the times I’ve been to Newcastle (not THAT many, but a few times since my first visit in 2018), I never crossed the Tyne Bridge. I’d been over the Swing Bridge but not the actual Tyne. It had to be done! I was my usual absolute chicken shit self. Lol. Petrified if I stood still for any more than a few seconds. The photos of me standing on the bridge bely just how utterly shit scared I was!

The next day we decided to take the Metro and head for the coast. Despite the lady at the station’s best efforts in trying to put us off – I asked for her help in buying tickets and she said “where do you want to go to?” Whitley Bay, I said. “There’s nothin’ there, you know.” It didn’t look like “nothing there” to me. We had day tickets so I couldn’t see much harm in looking anyway, as we could always go back to Tynemouth or South Shields if it really was THAT dead.

It was gorgeous! I’m really glad I went and wasn’t put off by her suggestions. We did go back down the line to Tynemouth as well and it was lovely there too. We walked all the way out to the lighthouse and saw dolphins for our efforts.

Newcastle is becoming a place I love to visit regularly. Hopefully another visit won’t be too far off into the future.

Twenty days of uni to go – so I’ll be busy in the meantime but will try and keep some content going on her in the interim.

Various pics from the Newcastle trip below. Click the thumbnails for more image size viewing options.

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