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Shifting Sands And Things To Come

Always an excuse for a Kerr perv ?

As you might have been able to tell from a few of the new Christmas themed banners that have appeared on the blog, I am trying to give it a bit of a spruce and a rejig.

It’s going to be the slow end of the year. Jim’s gone quiet now. There’s been time for the album to settle. (Nope! I’ve STILL not listened to it since the beginning of November.) No sign of any tour news that some fans so desperately crave. I’m fine with that myself. I am sssooo damn skint that, unless they do Glasgow, Edinburgh (or maybe Dundee) or Newcastle, I won’t be going. My days of chasing them around the country and into Europe are… kaput! A chance to at least TRY to build up some funds would be welcome. Albeit those funds WILL in all honesty pay for maybe three Simple Minds gigs maximum. Anyway, that thought makes me lament for all kinds of reasons too. Moving on!

We’re a few days into December and with the release of Spotify Wrapped and just a few weeks left in the calendar, my mind is turning to selecting the fave sounds and sights of 2022. In particular, gig of the year – which to be honest, statistically – having seen them 8 times this year – is strongly favouring to be won by Simple Minds. I will probably wait to do this after the Paolo Nutini gig, just as a matter of course, and also I’ll be on Christmas break by then, so I’ll have the time to dedicate to it.

The other thing I want to say is that, in trying to conjure up ideas on what to do with this blog and stop it from feeling like it is slowly becoming obsolete and lacking in topical content, I have decided to rekindle the actual personal blog I have. The non-Simple Minds and the “this is me, Larelle” blog that I have. It has lain dormant for over three years and before that it was three years previous to that that there was any content there. And as much as uni is part of my life now, I don’t want the Priptona Weird blog to turn into “Priptona’s uni blog – may contain a smidge of Simple Minds with the odd Jim Kerr nipple.” Lol. No, no, no. Part of the reason I am doing uni is so the Priptona Weird blog really is a great place for music discussion, not just on Simple Minds, although I would still like SM to very much be the focus.

Anyway, as much as humanly possible, I am going to separate the two things out.

I have an idea for a topic on this blog – Fanatical Friday…which can be kind of anything I am musically obsessing over that week. It doesn’t have to be Simple Minds based. As long as it is music based, that’s the only criteria. I went to do something for it yesterday but I started work on the Larelle Read blog instead. It needs a tidy up!

And, on that note…IF by any chance, you have any interest in reading the ramblings of a peri-menopausal expat Aussie in her early 50s who also happens to be a uni student but obsesses about music – mostly that of Simple Minds – and runs THIS trashy blog, then you can follow her personal crap at: (currently it’s a work-in-progress).

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