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Beauty By Kelvinbridge

Had a lovely afternoon out in the West End yesterday, by Kelvinbridge. Looked in this posh home decor place called Galletly Tubbs. Lovely stuff, but OH MY WORD – the prices! A place for window shopping ONLY, for us riff raff! Lol

Then went and had some food at Sips And Baker further along the GWR. Had a lovely late brunch. Also had the most DELICIOUS key lime pie! (Seriously, Glasgow has a wealth of culinary delights. Don’t believe all the munchie box, pizza crunch, fish and chips and deep fried Mars Bars crap you get swindled with. It’s pish!)

Then, into an antique bookshop called Caledonia Books. OH MY GOD! My sinuses almost went into meltdown walking in there! About a minute was all I could take. I instantly started sneezing like crazy! Beautiful shop and I so desperately wanted to look around, but my respiratory system and olfactory nerves had other ideas. Lol

I left the shop, with Birdy still inside happily perusing away when I spy THIS in the window. I went back in to enquire. The shop owner offered me a keek. I open the front page, and there is a dedication from Alasdair inside it! It instantly sealed the deal for me. I *had* to have it!

I’ve been looking through it this morning and it’s spectacular. Sinusitis Serendipitous. Lol

Then we headed down Otago Street to take a wander around the Kelvin Apothecary. I then spotted these while looking around – some New Gold Dream themed trinkets. The heart reminded me of the heart in the centre of the cross on the album’s cover. And the ‘nevermore’ raven pin badge conjures up a loose word association with “forever more” in Big Sleep. Any connotation or connection I find with birds always hooks me in.

It was a lovely afternoon.

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