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Jim’s Shirt And Jonathan Richman In Detroit – Bookie’s Club 870

I was looking around eBay earlier wanting to see what Jonathan Richman/Modern Lovers stuff is up there. There’s a lot of stuff that’s in the USA, sadly, which would make it very costly to get sent to here.

This one really piqued my interest! I love original gig posters like this. Even more of a surprise was to see that Jonathan and TML were playing the Bookie’s Club 870. I don’t think Simple Minds ever played there, but as you can see from the photos from Virginia’s site, Jim had a Bookie’s Club 870 shirt. Where he got it from? Who knows? Probably nicked it off someone? They played the Royal Oak Theater in Detroit in March, 1981 – but the Bookie’s Club 870 is several miles away. There was a few days break until the next gig though, so maybe they stayed in Detroit and caught a gig at the Bookie’s?

If only Jim would remember. If only I could ask him!



I love seeing these kinds of links. These silly little things make me happy.

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