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I Don’t Ken(sit) It!

I don’t usually share stuff like this on here. And I don’t usually pander to the more “celebrity gossip” side of the “fame game” but I found myself interested in what Patsy had to say.

I’ve always had time for Patsy. She gets a really hard time in the public glare and all the crap that comes her way. I could give unsavoury examples but I won’t. She seems the loveliest and most genuine person. Funny and warm.

But this one thing just fucks with my brain. I read this several years back and even then I was like “whaaaaaa?!” I thought, “Oh, she must mean ‘at that time’, surely?”

But she has reiterated it in this interview and no, there doesn’t seem to be any “at that time” reference. And she says “in my life”.

IN MY LIFE?! Can I just reiterate my own response now. YOU WERE WITH JIM KERR!!! How can having your hair brushed by David Bowie be THE MOST EROTIC THING that happened to you?! I mean…. COME ON!!

Jim poking his tongue out at me at Bristol is probably the most erotic experience I’ve had in 25 years!!! Just by comparison. I mean…heck! Let alone anything else! Holy crap! In my eternal damn dreams! But Patsy! YOU HAD HIM!!!!! Lol. OMG, woman! You’re killing me!

I mean…geez, don’t get me wrong. David is beautiful and I love him as an artist and as a person and I appreciate the aesthetic and yes, I’d have probably enjoyed getting my hair brushed by him also but if THEN, I GOT TO BE WITH JIM – that would just be….just….OMG…it does not EVEN compare!

Anyway, I am going to shut up now, but…Patsy…just…WHAT THE HELL?!

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