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Aaaww! I miss this man more than…well…you all know. And I keep trying to shut the fuck up about it. And I’m getting on and doing okay, you know. But there are still just things that happen. Silly incidental things like…yesterday, being at Springburn Shopping Centre and seeing the fruit and veg stall inside the mall selling this variety of potatoes. Lol

This showing just how omnipresent he is in my thoughts.

I was trying to think of something to do for Kerrsday this morning and was thinking of sharing the silly spuds photo and then was just looking through Facebook, seeing what was what (getting increasingly disillusioned with all the crap that appears in one’s news feed) when I spies THIS – shared by Sardinya Simple Minds FB group.

I have no idea when they got it. Where it comes from. I think that might be Antonio Chemi sitting opposite Charlie, so….maybe he (Antonio) shared it somewhere? Or Jim has some private social media account they are savvy to. NO IDEA!

But my heart just fills with joy just seeing him. He used to share the odd selfie too, you know. Just to show us all he was still okay. Safe and well. Photographic proof.

ANYWAY! I WILL SHUT THE FUCK UP! Because I am obviously not allowed to miss him. Can’t talk to him. Can’t wish to see him. Nowt.

Happy Kerrsday.

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