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Never Too Much ‘Guyliner’!

I shared this photo (just a quick snap of it when it arrived by post on my camera, rather than the proper scanned image that I’m sharing here) on FB when it arrived just to share the sheer beauty of this man and show some of the collecting hoard I had got myself.

A friend said “he’s got too much eyeliner on”. Lol. I was like “WHAAAAA? This is NOTHING compared to some make up jobs he’s had.”

I personally thought it was subtle and beautiful.

Jesus though, Kerr! You ain’t half a looker! Don’t be giving me none of that “acne-faced geek” business. Codswallop! You’ve always been gorgeous. You always will be.

And I know it isn’t Kerrsday, but what the hay. Who cares?

I got some magazines and did some scans of the articles and pics and will post some of them shortly. In the meantime…

Jim Kerr – you’re a spunk! (It’s old Aussie slang for someone who’s ‘well braw’ – despite how it sounds. Lol)

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