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The Heart And Hands Tour? And E.P.s Too…

Two proposals thrown at Jim this evening. One quite light-hearted…just for fun, because it was lovely putting the playlists together…and it could make for a tour with a really different setlist.

There’s just under 60 songs in total in both the YouTube playlist. Could make for something quite different as far as tours goes. I thought it a way of giving a tour that might come before new material a theme and a style. Just a pie in the sky thought.

The other proposal is a bit more serious…the idea of E.P. releases. I can see the value of them. You know…keep the fans happy with the potential of more new music more often. I’d like to hope he’d chew over this one a bit more. I think Noel G is on to a good thing with his plan to release three E.P.s over the next several months. I think it satisfies a few needs…fans wanting new material, record companies wanting continuing revenue and the artist keeping up the creative spark. What’s not to like?

Below are the proposals put to Jim.

And here are the “Heart And Hands” YouTube playlist links. Enjoy!

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